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Monday, April 11, 2011

What Ever Happened to the Apron?

Do you remember aprons? No, not the kind that a busboy or diner cook wears, but a real, old fashioned apron? These aprons are the kind that Lucille Ball or Barbara Billingsley wore on their 50's television shows. Frilly and very feminine; pretty and fashionable. Something that a woman wore as an accessory to her outfit, like she would wear earrings, a bracelet, necklace, hat, gloves, or even a scarf. Her outfit would have been pressed, crisp, and clean; most certainly worn with pearls.

Now, this svelte beauty would also be elegantly dressed while she baked or cooked. However, she would never, ever, wipe her floured or greasy hands on her dry cleaned dress. This McCall housewife would cover herself in a dainty and pristine kitchen apron, as to prevent grease splatters, water, or any other messy food particles from touching her fine clothing. She would want to preserve her loveliness for her man when he arrived home from a hard day's work.

My favorite styles of aprons derived from the 1950's era; the ones with ruffles and lace. These aprons are curly and stylish to accessorize her outfit for the day. Now, I'm not typically a ruffles and lace kind of girl, but I really enjoy looking at the pretty aprons of this era. If I'd had one of these pretty aprons, I might also just wear it to church or social function or wedding.  These aprons added beauty to the female homemaker. You know, I even think these styles of aprons could make a set of tires look better.

Hmm...So pretty...

NOTE: Just gander at the clothes of the women on these patterns. They are equally sophisticated in their fashion under the aprons. Just look at the way they are posing. And not a one of them; so petite, trim, and proper...very high society. What a great era.


  1. Haha, Nice. I feel like I should go out right now and............ Sorry, I don't know what came over me, but apparently I now have twenty something new aprons. :p

  2. I like the new look!! Very stylin! You are VERY talented!!!

    The 50s and 60s style of dress was certainly different! Woman looked attractive and feminine. Today most woman who think they look good in what they are wearing are deceived by Satan! Showing more skin, bottom and top, makes them look like sideshow attractions... Not the right look for Christian women certainly. That's why I appreciate what you and Brittany wear: Attractive and proper!

  3. Thanks! Britt and I are not what the world would say is "trendy" or "Modern". We DO, however, look high-class, modest, and most of all Godly.

    I appreciate your kind words.
