Pecan Praline (pronounced in Texas like PEH'-khan, PRAY-leen) If your say PEE'can, emphasis on the P and a short "A" sound, are NOT from Texas!!!!
Okay, enough said. Today, we ate lunch at our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant. And this restaurant has been around for a very, very, very long time!
As always, as you check out at the register a large wicker basket sits on the counter, loaded like sardines are the golden sweet gems: pecan pralines. You absolutely must have one for dessert. It's tradition, just like pastel colored dinner mints are served at weddings, it is simply a tradition to eat a praline after a full Tex-Mex meal.

I decided to make a batch instead. I have made these many years ago, but they didn't turn out well...I didn't have a candy thermometer and just relied on time cooking. Well, it was just a gooey mess. I ended up throwing them away. I haven't tried this since my grandmother was alive and I helped her make a batch...I think that was in 1988.
The batch I made turned out just lovely! Most delicious! Excellent. and super yummy.
Pecan Pralines - TEXAS STYLE
- Non stick 6 quart or larger pot
- Non-stick frying skillet
- Candy Thermometer
- Wooden spoon
- Two tablespoons for scooping out the cookies
- Rubber spatula
- Parchment paper
- 2 cups pecan halves and pieces
- 3 cups firmly packed dark brown sugar (my grandmother used light brown sugar, but I like the richness and darker colors!)
- 1 cup PET milk (not sweetened condensed)
- 1/4 cup butter
- 2 tablespoons light corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
#1 Get out all the equipment! Do not skip this step.
#2 Measure out ALL the ingredients, and open the can of milk. Do not skip this step.
#3 Get out the parchment paper and place it on a large area of the kitchen counter...VITAL to have this all prepped before cooking this candy!!!!
#2 Measure out ALL the ingredients, and open the can of milk. Do not skip this step.
#3 Get out the parchment paper and place it on a large area of the kitchen counter...VITAL to have this all prepped before cooking this candy!!!!
- Now, Get ready.
- YOU MUST have patience here. No rushing the cooking process.
- FOLLOW these steps carefully or you will end up with a gooey mess!
- Using a frying skillet, toast the pecans over med-high heat until you just begin to smell the aroma of the pecans. Careful not to burn them! Remove from the heat, set them aside and let them cool.
- Now, You had better have all the ingredients premeasured and ready at this point!
- Next, attach the candy thermometer by attaching it to the side of the pot.
- Place all the brown sugar, milk, and butter into the large pot. Turn on the heat to medium-high and it will slowly cup up to a boil. STIR CONSTANTLY.
- Now, here is where the patience comes in. WAIT...WAIT...WAIT until the candy thermometer reaches 236 F degrees (soft ball stage). Stir occasionally...THIS will take about 15-30 minutes depending on the level of the heat and your stove.
BE PATIENT! Do not stop until the thermometer reaches the desired temperature. I usually go one degree above...silly me. - Turn off the heat. REMOVE the pot from the heat and set it on a cold burner and allow the temperature to start cooling off. AGAIN...WAIT...WAIT...WAIT...just until the thermometer reaches around 180 - 175 F degrees.
- When it reaches the cooler temperature, dump in the pecans and and vanilla extract.
- Using a wooden spoon, stir for 2 minutes. As you do the glossy finish will dull and the mixture will start to thicken.
- READY, SET, GO! WORK FAST!!!!!! As quick as you can, using two tablespoons, spoon out the pralines onto the parchment paper...Use one spoon to scoop and the other to scrape it off onto the parchment paper.Remember that I said to have your parchment paper already out, lying on the counter? You are going to quickly fill up this parchment paper.
- I gently press them down to form them, somewhat.
- These will set up and be ready to eat in 10 minutes. They are a semi-soft, crumbly, and slightly grainy texture. They should not be gooey and sticky.
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